A critical mineral for building bones and maintaining your body’s enzyme activities
A critical mineral for building bones and maintaining your body’s energy.
What is Manganese?
It is a mineral that your body uses to make energy and protect your cells from damage. Your body also needs manganese for strong bones, reproduction, blood clotting, and a healthy immune system. Manganese helps form collagen, a connective tissue that holds your body together.
Health Benefits
Strong antioxidant properties may reduce disease risk.
Contribute to decreasing inflammation and pain associated with inflammatory diseases.
Play a positive role in bone health by working in concert with other vitamins and minerals to improve bone mineral density.
Aid wound healing by playing a role in collagen production.
It is essential for healthy brain function and often used to help treat specific nervous disorders.
Manganese is essential for thyroxine production and proper thyroid health and functioning.
Why is Manganese important?
Manganese is an important component of several enzymes and activates many others to keep your cells in working order. One of the body’s most important antioxidant enzymes that protects and defends your cells owes its existence to manganese.
Sources of Manganese
Recommended Dietary Allowance